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Develop Sharp Minds / Mental Alertness

Ping Pong for Health is back in May, this time we take a look at Mental Health.

The game of table tennis is simple, fun and engaging, to score a point, one simply puts the ball (return) back to the opponent's side of the table. Each player serves twice in turns and the player who reaches 11 points wins the game.

It is therefore important not only to develop skills in the various strokes used in table tennis, but also to have a proper "game plan" of execution during the game/s. Keeping in mind sportsmanship, by adhering to the rules of the game.

A player does this by developing tactics and strategies that are the basic critical factors that precedes body balance and footwork. Now I know this could get scary, so I'd like to keep it simple.

When it is your turn to serve, take a second to review in your mind what sort of serves and subsequent strokes you would follow up with, for example, serve a fast no spin ball to the opponent's left forcing him/her to lift the ball, anticipating the return, side step to drive or smash the ball to opponent's far right.

When it is your turn to receive the ball, return it such that it forces the opponent to run for the ball or impossible for the opponent to attack with the return. As mentioned in the previous blog, your eyes keenly focused on the ball anticipating its landing. Outwitting your opponent with the skills you developed over time playing the game. By the way you learn faster with a qualified coach.

The entire game and rallies involves tactical and strategic moves, this in turn develops mental alertness and a sharp mind, and if you have been practicing the right and correct strokes / way, you will be able to take proactive measures in your game. Yes you have to spend time practicing and investing your time and efforts for to enjoy your future games.

Alzheimer’s Weekly reports a clear increase in motor skills and cognitive awareness from playing table tennis, after a series of preliminary clinical studies in Japan found that table tennis markedly increases the flow of blood to the brain, and could possibly even prevent dementia. Either way you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Ping Pong for Health. Enjoy !

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