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Ping Pong equals Peace Wealth and Health!

Peace Wealth and Health are the most sought after worldwide. How in the world can Ping Pong produce those coveted attributes ? Together we can change the world. Thank God for the ITTF who has done a fabulous and phenomenal job of creating peace and building the fastest growing sport in the world. Yes the Olympic Games is just round the corner, and again it is the ITTF that got Table Tennis to be included into this world stage event. Did you know that there are (estimated) 300 million participants in this sport ?

On the local scene, I know of a place where only one table is available, situated next to a cafe, the humble surroundings creates an oasis for players to mingle and "sweat it out", and eventually improve their skills. Make no mistakes, this place attracted laborers, students, lorry drivers, white and blue collar officers and not only senior top management staffs but also board of directors from the public sector. After a hard day of work, they all come together and have fellowship. This is how ping pong brings people together peacefully. Peace with your neighbors, peace with your friends, peace with your family and peace with yourself. And of course, peace with Our Creator.

300 million people participating making it the 3rd sport most played in the world, now that is making PEACE. Though this is an estimated figure, there are millions more who play the sport just for exercise and keeping fit, yeah, ping pong for health. Anyone from as young as 5 to age 85 can play. Some at 97 still plays this sport.


After play or practice, we not only get tired, but in some cases fatigue sets in, this is a message your body is sending you to get rest and recuperate. Get well rested.

Nutrition is a vital part for health, I am not a nutritionist, so credits to the respective sites, I am sharing them here as a little reference . Remember, prevention is better than cure.

Caring for your Heart

Caring for your self generally your body.


A truly wealthy person is one who has these five areas in proper perspective.

The "Deen" or Commandments / Faith

Our "Nafs" or Lives

Our "Aqal" or Intellect

Our "Nasl" or Kinship / Lineage

Our "Mal" or Wealth / Property

Notice that assets and money is only mentioned as the last in terms of priority, with Faith as the most important. The Christian scripture also condone to this wherein it states; "What does it profit a man if he were to gain the whole world but losses his soul ? "

As you can appreciate, I cannot possibly pen down everything on this article. Followed by Life, appreciate every living creature, take time to smell the flowers and take a walk in the garden. Seek for knowledge and develop intellectually by thinking "with a heart". Develop strong ties within the family and work closely with friends. Go the extra mile, the money will follow. Trust me on that.

Nevertheless, we can meet or you can arrange a meeting / speaking session to address your concerns.

For a small contribution / donation, I will send you this book. I am also available to give a half day talk / clinic on "Ping Pong for Peace, Wealth and Health" The donations will be channeled to fund and assist in charitable works particularly the orphans, and for providing tables for many deserving players who plays of badly damaged tables. Do send me a message via our form-feed provided on the CONTACT page.

Thanks for reading and do share this blog.

Enjoy your ping pong.

God Bless and Peace be unto You.

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