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Unhealthy Ping Pong - Services that are illegal and acts not so gallant.

For nearly a decade,(After 2 in "exile) I have done my best to convey that sportsmanship requires that the ball be served legally, Can you imagine how any sport, indeed any community improve itself when lawlessness abides.? Also it is not healthy to serve illegally because, the receiver is prone to injuries of various sorts and proportion. Maybe not immediately, but certainly eventually.

This video is more for Umpires, but I thought it will be great for players watch and learn to serve legally.

Now that you know the "current" legal way to serve, let me share with you why and how illegal services is bad and not do you good. Whilst it is true that there are still players who believe they can outwit the opponent using illegal services, and among other reasons, those who insist on leniency, threatens to stop playing the game, hoping that they will be allowed to persist illegal services. It remains illegal because of the harm it will cause to both your game and your health, and that of the opponent's.

Firstly, while trying to "read" and assess the ball's rotation and speed, players get to set up their responses in order to return the serve, this effort is being frustrated causing much aggravation. Even if the return is good, it is compromised thus affecting your adjustments to both the speed and rotation of the return.

Secondly, the rapid "jerk" to retrieve the ball in attempts to return can cause severe damage to the knee caps and ankle joints, especially for beginners who have not learn proper footwork in table tennis. Either that or the opponent knocks his/her knuckles on the forefinger and bleeding occurs because of the cracked skin on the fingers.

Finally, their search to improve their game is being hindered because while trying to compromise and adapt to the pace and rotation of illegal serves, they develop habits that become hard to change in future.

Whether you are a novice or advance players, most players learn from their coaches (if any) or from other more experienced players. Unfortunately not enough time and efforts are given to the service of players, many of whom have left for other sports, if not sports altogether.

Applicable to yourself and to your worthy opponent.

Have you ever played with a player who uses a "dead" rubber, that is rubber that has lost it's grip and is brittle ? Feels like playing with "anti-spin" right ? So now you know, how on the contrary, ping pong becomes unhealthy.

Other acts that are not so gallant and could very much be a turn off and unhealthy for Ping Pong.

When you courteously explain that your opponent's service does not comply to standards, he replies "I don't play in tournaments" and or "I play ping pong to sweat it out only" These are a big turn offs and reflects on the person's character.

Other actions such as not letting the ball rest freely on their open palm, hiding the ball behind face, body and hand (non racket hand) whilst the racket cover contacts the ball in service and deliberately serving the ball when they know you are not yet ready.

Furthermore deliberately distracting you whilst the ball is in play and rallying, by making noises and even talking

Till we meet again. Cheerio !

Till we meet again, Enjoy your game. p/s my next article will be on "The Serve" God permitting.

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