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The Secrets of Success - reversed version

Ping Pong or table tennis as it is known for worldwide has 5 crucial aspects These are Spiritual, Technical, Tactical, Mental and Physical. "But I am not interested in Ping Pong" you might say. I am interested in Success.

Success is a very big word and has many meaning different for each individual, most people say it is to make lots of money, have a nett - worth of millions or billions. They chase after "icons" and "brand names", drive big cars, live in big houses / condos and allow themselves to be influenced by wealthy people. In my professional career, I have seen millionaires loose their millions all within 3 to 5 years. Some were working hard all their lives, others inherited the fortune but the majority of them had their focus on the wrong and ineffective policy of appreciating material things and making use of people. The same can be related in Ping Pong, players rely brand names that are expensive, carbon fibre blades that are too fast for them to handle. The fact is reversed. They should be appreciating people and make use of the material things available to them.

The same is for the success of achieving health while playing ping pong and of course, being able to play a decent game. The success in life, whatever your goals may be are based on the principles laid out by Napoleon Hill in his book the Law of Success.

I would have to take many many hours writing this so instead, let me share with you the "reversed version" of the law of success, applicable to anything in life. It comprises of 3 principles that when followed, you will not fail. It most definately applies to Ping Pong among others you strive to achieve.

These are (1) Be not Aimless

(2) Be not an Excuse Expert

(3) Be not Dishonest with yourself.

Be not Aimless

When you approach anything in life as well as in Ping Pong aimlessly, you will fail to achieve any significance. Imagine you get to the railway station and ask for a ticket, the station master will ask you your destination, but you say just give me a ticket, he will just give you what you want.... a train ride to anywhere. Another scenerio is you are in a shopping complex or in the middle of the city. You sought help from a stranger (friends we have not yet met) "Please tell me where to go" you pleaded. You will be asked, what are you looking for, or where do you want to arrive at ? When you say, "I don't care" they will say just go anywhere.

For parents sending their children for ping pong lessons, please have a goal with your child, set them together and watch them grow. For you who wishes to learn ping pong, set some goals, not necessary to be champions, but set goals like, I want to improve on my forehand drive, or I want to loose 10 kg by end of the month.

Remember Be Not Aimless !

Be not an Excuse Expert

Most of mankind today are experts in making excuses. They say things to make it sound nice and don't mean them at all. They say one thing and then do another to deceive. Becoming an excuse expert is ensuring double failure in half the time normally taken to succeed.

I have no time, I have no money, I am in no hurry and the famous I am not interested. Well, you know what, it is your life, don't waste it with excuses, get with people who can help you.

Be not Dishonest with Yourself.

This is a hard one for me to explain, but it is a very easy one for the individual who does self introspection. "Soul Searching" as is commonly known. Every year we do resolutions, and every year they seem to be the same ones, that's an indication that you are not honest with yourself. Come on, buck up, pull your socks up and get going. The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Be in tuned with Our Creator, be in tuned with nature, be in tuned with yourself, your family, your friends and your community.

Be the best you can be because no one can stop a made up mind, except you.

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